Wednesday, December 22, 2004

suggest google hack

the google hack is synonymous with any new google app, and in my opinion, speaks of the search engine's profound impact on tech culture. for those who like to keep abreast of these hacks, check out the Google Suggest Poetry Generator at Brad Sucks.

How does it work?

I’ve been thinking about making a lyric/poetry generator from Google Suggest by stringing together its suggestions.

For instance, enter a first phrase like "back in the", it autocompletes to "back in the saddle". Take the last word and enter "saddle", first result is "saddle club", last word "club", etc. Following that example a few times you get:

back in the saddle club med line 6 second abs cbn news of the world of warcraft 3 mobile phones 4 u haul master card games online dictionary.

my own attempt resulted in:

kinda cool.


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